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【Campus Ambassador】市场运营方向/ Commission-Based









Rank: 1

0 点
218 金币
发表于 2020-10-6 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
随着公司业务量以及规模的扩大,现在此招聘Campus Ambassador数名。: t& Q  {8 q+ H* Y/ H9 p; J
公司名称/ Company Name
公司网站/ Company Website
3 j0 G. t  m: N* ^& w. C
公司介绍/ Company Intro
除了毕业生求职以外,我们的业务内容还有帮助本科生对接专业对口的国内外实习(intern/co-op)。" r/ I1 ^/ Z2 s7 B
, N0 z& G3 p8 c, s
OfferStreets is the first in the industry to connect students and recent graduates with top industry 5 S, U, s8 z! e5 K! b" D, [! }
executives in finance, technology and consulting.
Many of our students are currently employed by top North American financial institutions and technology firms.
Providing the most comprehensive & dedicated employment training offered by top industry executives.
Helping students launch their dream careers in two months.
Besides launching jobs for recent graduates, our service also includes finding co-op and intern
opportunities for junior students.
; K# M/ D8 l% _; @
& R3 ]8 }( B7 t8 \) O/ y; H
服务国家/Service Countries
  u9 O! K: _2 L7 }" U' K$ \0 T
Canada, United States, Australia, China and so on.. 3 |2 J9 r+ e6 C7 p

4 _" I' Q, `* O  h3 K9 L' x2 S
工作内容/Job Description
1. 学习,了解并熟悉公司产品以及服务。配合公司市场部在自己的社交平台上宣发公司提供的求职科普类文案以及视频。(如果你足够有创意的话,欢迎编辑自己原创与公司服务内容有关的文案。)
2. 与各大院校学生会以及商业机构保持紧密的联络,作为联络人来配合公司市场部的宣传以及活动。
3. 对接客户与导师,与各个利益相关者维持一个积极的关系。
4. 发现并挖掘潜在客户,与潜在客户实现无障碍的沟通。  M6 n8 S9 V& n$ h; _
1. Learn and familiarize yourself with our service and products. Work alone with our marketing team to publish posts regarding our services on your social media channels. (If you are creative enough, you are more than welcome to create your own post regarding our product and services.)
2. Maintain a close relationship with student unions and business institutions, act as contact person to cooperate with our marketing team for ongoing events and seminars.
3. Book appointments for potential clients, maintain a positive relationship with stakeholders.
4. Find and maintain a great relationship with potential clients, answer all the possible questions that they might have.

3 I: \$ q3 [  j( r3 p+ t
你能得到什么/ What you will get out of this job, @2 x( g- U; V% l& z! y
1. 优先内推机会  [9 b( {) s! b5 D0 R, J+ j% ]
2. 业内领先的薪水待遇, T  V6 a! A& L) a( }
3. 透明的晋升渠道(校区/地区大使 -> 学校负责人 -> 地区负责人)  G3 K) B2 b4 |! @8 u/ e
4. 全方位职业发展规划以及实习证明" X+ |. K8 d4 @( E9 o& \+ ^1 @1 [
5. 多方面能力的提升(人际交往,自我管理,市场运营等)$ @, ?8 B) w) g3 H9 Y
! v( K1 ]6 C, A% m. {" y$ e
1. Internal referral opportunities + a  j% }5 u* g

( o/ r( |! ?3 v! a2. Competitive salary package 4 l3 G$ l" g% V4 _' F2 P
, V% |! ?4 `8 j/ ?! E
3. Transparent promotion pathways
' X- y& J! t+ |4 a9 m+ f% b6 T2 S(Campus/District Ambassador  -> Campus/District Director -> Regional Manager) 6 Q7 d9 R" e2 B3 O8 l- X: J

6 ]  |7 ], P% u7 Y3 l4. Job Development Plan and Intern Letter/ Reference Letter 9 j0 R0 b+ M. u) A. t, p

$ I- L7 _- w' B* c( k0 V5. Training on marketing, operations, self-management, interpersonal skills etc.5 L  }* y5 ?3 T- b) x

8 O( L2 A! R4 e6 ^
要求/Requirements (满足一项即可)
1. 在读院/大学生以及最近毕业生
2. 具备服务类产品销售经验者
3. 身边有潜在客户者7 b1 l( ~: {0 k

' m0 Z7 P1 \5 Z; `+ }7 X
1. College/University students and recent grads.
, X+ ?* ]: i. O
2 }8 x* O" N0 u. X0 c
2. Have previous sales experiences.
7 v6 N+ ^/ Q+ a3 f2 A" Y/ V% ?3 V" i& Z% _
3. Have potential clients
7 ^  }- v: B. f: t: p7 J6 @
9 D5 O/ w  e% [
职位类型/Job Type
9 t7 h- P0 y9 v" E5 n+ O" H
Full-Time/ Part-Time
3 \, i% C! Q4 w# z0 j; l9 A
6 v/ n- ~% j! R  Q# r9 }; ^/ f
Hourly + Commission-based, 每成交一个单立刻结算本单佣金。
根据经验决定薪资待遇。Depending on experiences.
; q9 j; p* x2 _5 k* c
; p/ b; I( i3 f8 p
" e- ^: `- F$ P4 _) E
有意者可将 简历 ➕自己的 微信号 email到 offerstreet.marketing@gmail.com
  l7 ]  C+ ~" g
% z7 q% E9 a1 M. M/ J

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