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2.17 EastLight大型求职社交招聘会欢迎您! (含现场面试)









Rank: 4

119 点
592 金币
发表于 2017-2-11 17:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 charles5958 于 2017-2-11 16:09 编辑 # d4 d2 O* K/ }5 S- ?

* k  j" L- r0 e& B6 F: P1 P# M6 MFeb. 17 Eastlight Career Extravaganza: Mentorship, Recruitment & Networking
Meet a Mentor, Get a job, Share your knowledge, Give your time, have lots of fun and make new friends!

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Time:6:30 -9:30 PM, Friday, Feb 17th
Location: Downtown Toronto (Detailed location will be sent out via email)

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Onsite interviews will be scheduled for the following positions:(现场面试职位信息)
  • Credit Risk Associate & Senior Associate –PwC (multiple)
  • Fund Accountant – full-time, CIBC Mellon (2 positions)
  • Eastlight Apprentice Training Program – intern, Whale Global (multiple)
  • Business Development Associate – full-time, Whale Global
  • Marketing Analyst, Editor– full-time, Aimhome, Joynet Global
  • Financial Service Representative, Sales Person – full-time, Aimhome, Joynet Global
  • Customer Contact Associate, full-time, Big 5 banks (multiple)
  • CGI is hiring a number of positions in banking services as below:
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    • Business Analyst – Financial Analysis (multiple)
    • Senior Business Analyst – Financial Analysis (multiple)
    • Developer – Business Document Composition (HP Exstream, Xpression, GMC, Planet Press) (multiple)
    • CMOD Developer (multiple)
    • .Net Developer (multiple)
    • Android Developer (multiple)
    • Senior IT Analyst – JAVA/UNIX (multiple)
    • Senior IT Analyst – JAVA/LINUX (multiple)
    • API Developer (multiple)
    • Senior Developer (JBPM) (multiple)
    • Filenet Developer  (multiple)
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Submit your resume: Please send your resume (in pdf. format) with your Eventbrite ticket to hr@eastlight.ca.  Please include "position title" you are interested in the subject line.

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Who should attend Eastlight Career Extravaganza on Feb. 17?(面向人群)
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To Talented Job Seekers who are interested in banking, accounting, consulting and hedge fund financial industry:
Looking for a job that you are interested, but find it difficult to get an interview or turn it to a job offer?

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To University Students and New Grad:
Looking for a mentor who can guide you to find and land your dream caree? Looking for relevant internship opportunities and hands-on consulting projects working experience led by industry leader?

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To Future mentors:
Having over 2 years of professional working experience? Interested in becoming a mentor to share your extraordinary experience with more students and young professionals? Interested to providing career webinars and share industry knowledge?
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To Recruiters:
Looking for the best candidates who have business or IT background with bachelor, master, MBA, Ph.D degree, or industry leaders to join your company?

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Eastlight Education Group and Bay Street Professionals Group are proudly to host the 1st Eastlight Career Extravaganza event (12th Bay Street Mentorship event) to provide answers and solutions to all the questions above. If you are one of the target groups above, you are invited to join the event, please RSVP on https://eastlight.eventbrite.ca.

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About Eastlight Education Group
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Eastlight Education Group is the strategic partner of Bay Street Professionals Group, and is aiming to provide an in-depth overview about the various lines of business within the banking industry through online webinars followed by one-on-one professional career consultation to help you define your own career.
This time around we will be inviting our mentors who have successfully hosted online banking webinars to share their experience with students and young professionals. If you haven’t participated in our online webinar before, don’t miss this opportunity to meet the mentors in person. Our mentorship networking event will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the latest financial industry knowledge, along with onsite interviews for over 10+ full-time positions; you will be experiencing the networking event in a whole new way.
But wait, as a student what if you don’t have relevant or enough local work/internship experience, are your online applications getting no responses from HR? EastLight Apprentice Training Program will be launched on Feb. 17! We are currently working closely with companies within the financial industry; including the big five banks, consulting firm, hedge fund companies to provide all of our mentees with a professional training program. EastLight Apprentice Training Program is aiming to provide students with relevant working experience related to the financial industry, including various summer internships. If you want to know more about companies that will be hiring at the event, please go on our event page, https://eastlight.eventbrite.ca for job descriptions. We look forward to meeting you!   

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Submit your resume: Please send your resume (in pdf. format) with your Eventbrite ticket to hr@eastlight.ca.  Please include "position title" you are interested in the subject line.
$ u4 v2 g( r! c" P
Time:6:30 -9:30 PM, Friday, Feb 17th
Location: UT Downtown Campus (Detailed location will be sent out via email)
Contact Us: info@eastlight.ca
Ticket: $10
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Refreshments will be provided.
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If you are recruiters and would like to conduct onsite interviews, please send detail job description to hr@eastlight.ca by Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017. We will contact you within 24 hours for signing an interview booth for you.  

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Rank: 4

119 点
592 金币
 楼主| 发表于 2017-2-13 22:28 | 显示全部楼层

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