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金融公司诚聘实习生 坐标多伦多Markham









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110 金币
发表于 2020-8-25 15:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Financial Consultant 8 a1 R7 O: K( Z4 c3 u" R. @$ \9 ]
我们正在寻找充满活力的专业人士,他们有兴趣在金融行业开始自己的职业生涯,通  B7 x5 {/ f. @& V. S8 N, M( H
  \' a5 E' l" i信心可以每天积极回应客户需求,并帮助团战确定和发展更好的销售机会,建立更多2 c3 u5 n- t' O2 @5 y  C
销售渠道0 h% e/ J( W, T/ Q+ W& O
责任:9 e8 \' L4 t4 D4 o* U
•寻找、建立和扩大你的客户群,可以轻松利用多个社交渠道与客人建立关系# k+ K4 j& [& p0 c, B# F
•根据风险评估提供适合客户需求的建议( g6 B# C; i$ Y" ~+ S8 t+ H
•为各类金融产品和服务提出战略性建议' \1 z  k5 F. x
. ~& w  G2 c, i+ l  y•基于客户的个人情况,了解客户需求, W+ Z0 N/ E, a' ^$ _! z
要求:1 _  f* b  j& P5 X4 Q: r% `8 B
•通过对客户需求的深刻理解和对产品和服务的专业知识,能够达到和实现客户的需求- _7 r5 l+ t5 H" d* g0 u. M0 p
1 T4 ]2 B) n9 D2 q7 O/ Z( `- U1 i•优秀的人际关系管理技能,以及强烈的服务导向,专注于实现卓越的服务标准) Z+ [6 |/ \/ }( g% M9 E
•具有良好的销售和金融客户服务能力" ^% q1 {. m! t) y% i/ \- u* g
' W) X- H! Y6 `: F•有开发现有客户和潜在客户新业务的经验和能力
6 ]1 t/ @  A- G, M6 i0 Y7 q8 C( b8 _•了解金融产品和金融服务的详细知识& Z" X. f; |2 L' C5 u
/ G+ ?# ^5 [* r: x' Z8 ]4 ?•这是一个全职职位,提供有竞争力的福利和薪酬% O. P' W! c7 E1 t4 h6 s
# v$ g( a# m( Y: A! y6 B0 V请发送英文简历到:ccuehr@ccuefinance.com,标注来源网站,我们会尽快与您联系
5 F4 Y, a8 n0 C
# r  E0 z$ m. r邮件:ccuehr@ccuefinance.com
# @( ]4 |: ?: \7 j. O4 d  u5 W2 e( y微信:ccuefinancehr
* o  _: a5 q& t电话:647-628-1819, \( G" Y. v) {2 s" X% x( D
地址:A1-340 Ferrier St. Markham, ON L3R2Z5
# l. v; {- f3 K$ y7 [9 }: k; A
Financial Consultant5 J* y/ S, v4 N. T# H3 [( `
We are looking for energetic professionals who are interested in starting a
" j# ~: D/ ^+ V; Ucareer in the financial industry, helping the business grow through value-. w! @: L5 B7 y) G
based conversations and remarkable customer experience to join our1 B2 ?( h% T0 H1 E  i( f
growing team.
( n- w% J: ]7 V4 g: {- A) XResponsibilities* Y$ a5 M' I- d' q
• Source, build and retain your client base, W  y( z8 E8 G
• Market yourself and your business to attract new clients
5 [0 w$ J1 X3 r. t( F• Provide client's needs advice based on risk assessment
3 X) [' H2 ]% i• Provide strategic advice across a variety of financial products and services- g3 s# _# ~8 k  C0 C  U$ v, N
• Provide sound financial advice to help grow your client’s financial portfolio: h, Z7 N# Z* m
• Understanding your individual clients needs to be based on their unique
. _2 h+ y  A  W& [( {circumstances; ^2 A6 v( y- i1 t; q0 E. l
Requirements:1 f% D/ T2 c; m; }" ]1 o" @. B
• Experienced in proactively identifying and executing ways that customers’
( L& ~2 F8 `( B2 N( \, `( Uneeds can be better met through a strong understanding of their requirements
( J' N: K6 Q2 U: jand expert knowledge of products and services.
$ r' w. X! l0 V• Excellent interpersonal and relationship management skills, as well as strong
, I# U% ?+ s" G8 L% T9 _* {) Rservice orientation, focused on achieving exceptional service standards.
% Q8 d$ x+ ~% v• Proven ability in sales and service to financial customers.- d% f7 m' {1 F0 J  @
• Strong knowledge of financial advice and planning.+ G  `+ t5 U) |  u" A4 \
• Experience in engaging in and securing new business from existing and- q) y# B; s9 u; f% F
prospective customers.
' M5 X! U6 R) M3 I$ A! ~• Expert in general banking services, including detailed knowledge of financial
4 f* ?! c* r/ a! z# t% Dproducts and services.
0 j& B5 }# t$ q/ c" N2 v+ Y• Hold or plan to have Life License Qualification Program (LLQP), IFIC or CSC) }- E' K& [" c5 I2 o
• This is a full-time position offering competitive benefits and compensation' f5 l: Z9 A0 o$ Z4 s
commensurate with experience and qualifications." l& ?6 n: q0 u3 I+ G* |( M% G9 X
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in CCUE FINANCE,$ I1 a6 X9 g1 r# F' H: K5 U
only those selected for an interview will be contacted$ _3 L6 [0 R( H# s" n+ r0 y, v
Please email your recent updated resume to us at
1 l) G' a" c/ Jccuehr@ccuefinance.com, we will contact you soon.
: j: N1 S/ h! B! q  {2 @5 K6 S+ w. t2 Z8 x1 h( M' S) L& {6 g
Tel: 647-628-1819/ n1 R% d1 c' D! Z
3 Z, w4 B+ _; b" R, g8 [1 e
Address: A1-340 Ferrier St. Markham, ON L3R 2Z5
9 I  y. |1 i# I4 \
* d; v6 q# ~$ y1 Z/ v. r

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