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游民 初级

Rank: 1

10 点
30 金币
发表于 2008-4-28 10:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我们需要招聘Part Time清洁工,8.75元/小时,20小时每周。& E- G  s# \6 o" E5 R3 A1 s

- x1 [; F0 y( ]3 y! \- Q; mTitle: Cleaner+ c! ]* i& v) \( d

, J- L9 |: E* C( Y0 f$ e) qAdvertise Until: 2008/05/31
* V" o  o; U9 q7 ~; f/ D. q! o1 U4 n6 ]7 m9 ?
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Part Time, Day' y0 S8 u2 g/ E! w

) Q6 G! n, }+ X; _: C! M1 [Salary: $8.75 Hourly, for 20 Hours per week
& [/ T! Y! r2 U* I2 Q
' P' k0 J! I! x9 |6 Y* M- DLocation: London, Ontario (1 vacancy) 8 x8 U% {; t: x$ m

* S( L5 I7 d; j' iSkill Requirements:5 L% R3 u7 g" }4 |
7 g4 r+ j) ]2 ~* k
Education: Completion of high school % P' {) y! H7 C& {9 G$ t
Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not required   S) @# X3 ]( H3 M' O/ A6 W! D! a
Experience: 0 - 6 months ' @0 H  H! s& ~0 o9 k$ \# ~& n& X
Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English
* ]9 ~2 ]% v8 l* ~4 X. [Work Setting: Educational facility
: o/ r% f+ i$ N% USpecific Skills: Sweep, mop and wash floors, Dust furniture, Vacuum carpeting, area rugs, draperies and upholstered furniture, Distribute clean towels and toiletries, Clean and disinfect bathrooms and fixtures, Clean and disinfect elevators
! u& {% y1 Z) N& N  ?Transportation/Travel Information: Public transportation is available
" D1 n& H. ]# p" u1 o- oSecurity and Safety: Criminal record check 8 R0 a/ m- D9 S; b5 \! R
Own Tools/Equipment: Tools, Equipment 7 M+ |/ U  }+ ]& q
Work Location Information: Urban area ) R" I# H3 ]2 J7 G; F, K" }2 d9 k
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Combination of sitting, standing, walking
2 h' g) K- d& e! [/ P1 ~! |Essential Skills: Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Job task planning and organizing 1 g% t2 q% U6 B6 I" c( J6 d

( k! W) D' _- r8 m8 Z& E3 nEmployer: London International Academy
3 s% y+ W- {0 l2 |/ W5 O/ a  w8 X+ Z& L+ O, b
How to Apply:
3 T& h$ `2 H' F" m7 _- z. qBy Fax: (519) 433-3387 * U; Y5 I, U6 a" W- T
By E-mail: LiaHRDept@hotmail.com
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